Registration Details
Step 1

Review the General Entry Rules and Requirement forms by clicking the above icon, or by clicking on "Event Info." in the navigation bar at the top of the screen. Review these forms with your teacher, parent, guardian, or mentor. 

Step 2

Choose a project by working with your teacher and team. You can find project ideas by clicking the above icon or clicking on "Tips and Project Ideas" in the navigation bar at the top of the screen.

Step 3

Your teacher will give you the Introduction and Pre-Registration Pledge forms, or you can download and print these forms by clicking on the above icon or by clicking on "Event Info." in the navigation bar at the top of the screen. Take these home and have your parent or guardian read, complete, and sign them before giving them back to your teacher.

Step 4

Register online by clicking the above icon. Use the information from the Introduction and Pre-Registration Pledge forms to complete the online registration with the help of your teacher, parent, guardian, or mentor. Each participant must complete this step.